Sunday, October 29, 2006

In the Field

The water in the lake Disturbed by an intruder Is finally still The last breath of air Escapes from his lungs Time nearly standing still Falling down, The dim blue surface Of the twilight lake Fading with the pain Peacefully sinking The struggle and fear Memories of a time long past As he sinks in to the darker glass … In the fields they reap the wheat, With tools deadly and imposing, Tearing up, what they worked So hard to grow (And pray it’s not their feet) Dangerous and tiresome, But gives them what they eat A silent dance, But for the swish of blade, And fall of grain Allowing things to begin a new New plants, New problems, New food And a little more knowledge To help them too So it is, With life and death Always changing, The one are the two We grow, we mature And plant the seeds for new beginnings But for those seeds to sprout a new, WE must be reaped, So the next cycle has food …………………….. Knowledge

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