Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Garden of The Released

All I would If only I could Do in in my Time on this earth Is lay by the stones Those symbols of man I would lay on that ground The ground that defies Defies all reason With that feeling That feeling as you lay there Under the moon That we know Its like the ground is alive As though you sit on a monolithic cavern of peace The best feeling on earth, That lay’ s in the ground of the dead That place, you know? The one that at night You can feel at home At home, yes at last So peaceful, a bliss In brisk midnight air There could be, there is No purer a love than this ……………………………….......... Now that where here Let us now, never leave, This night, this dark The moon, these stars Let us lay here In this true place of love We’ll watch the star’s Until they fall Dance to the silence… Eternity

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