Friday, April 07, 2006

The Watcher and the Poet

[Poet] “I can ease your troubled mind. I can help you save your time. I can help you till the end. I can help you see again…” [Watcher) "but can I hold you, till the end?" [Poet] “Until the day is over and our troubles gone; Just hold me. We’ll forget everything and still live on. Just hold me. Live in peace where love is love and you are you. Just hold me. Just together, you and me, nothing to do. Just hold me. [Watcher]"I'll hold you now, Forever more!" [Poet] “Forever is not long enough…” [Watcher] “But would it not, be a start!” [Poet] “The start of everything that means but anything..” [Watcher] “And the end, of all, that does not!’ [Poet] “For everything, that's anything, is here , with us!” [Watcher] “You are, everything my dear, You are the sun, the moon.” [Poet] “And You are, but more, than love. Profane and still, I need You.” [Watcher] “I am profane! But who now speaks! Quaff O' Quaff, forget and let me hold you in a tight embrace.” [Poet] “And I will forget everything but you; you are everything now.” [Watcher] Everything, everything! Words are weak, there impact meek, let us simple sit here, we may kiss or we may weep! Through sorrow or salvation, we will have each other.” [Poet] “For forever, and longer. No more words, just hold each other.” [Watcher] In our lives, we will struggle no longer; throw off the bounds, and simply be there with each other!” [Watcher and The Poet] “Let this be now at an end, and simply hold.” [Watcher] “In silence forever…” [Poet] “And more.

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